Friday, February 6, 2015


So we were walking downtown...
"I tell you I had a dream!" said my cub
"What about that?" I asked
"It was cool and... I don't remember it very well, so I don't figure out what it could mean"
"So you know dream intepretation?"
"Nope, but I know how to read metaphores and allegories, I'm kinda accurate for that"
"I don't get it"
"By the way I have a new bag" he turned to show off his brand new bag "It's my Brit new bag"
"So, what you dreamt of????"
"I don't remember very well. Only pieces. I had to save someone of some kind of danger. And in other pieces of the dream, I was with JK Rowling"
"Doing what?"
"I cannot remember, but we were friends"
"Sounds fantastic"
"And there was an apartment house my family owned and it was all ours, and they wanted to move my granny's body to the graveyard in the backyard"
"And then everything went dark and I was a wizard and then a friend of JK Rowling, strange eh?"
"Yeah very"
"So I dunno what the dream wants to tell me because I remember the dream and usually you don't remember them so I suppose by the laws of termodynamics that I remember it "for a reason"
And a guy passed running and crashed with my boyfriend and ran away.
"My bag!!!" said my boyfriend.
"Let it go"
"It's new"
"People will see you!"
"I don't care"
And my boyfriend ran after the guy. As he is a cyborg and metahuman, he ran so fast in five seconds he caught the thief. He grabbed the shirt of the thiefe and lifted him in the air.
"Put him down" I said when I got there
"Put the guy down! Everybody's looking!"
"I want my bag back and with all its content inside, you hear me?" He told the guy.
"Here" the guy said.
"Why you stole my bag?"
"Put the guy down" I said "Or I'll command"
"Fine" said my boyfriend putting the guy down.
"I'm Mistery Mann. You guys look like upperclass people"

"We're middle class" we said.
"I steal from upperclass people to help people in need"
"Oh well" said my boyfriend
"That's good" I said.
"I'm sorry but by the look you look upperclass"
"He seems nice" said my boyfriend.
"And if you excuse me..." said Mistery Mann "I'm in a hurry" and he left.
"What's the big deal with the bag???" I asked
"There's a present for you inside" The cub said "here!"
"It's a little sculpture"
"I like it. Let's go, people are looking"

01011110101 YOU ARE NOT ALONE 1101010110010


Tuesday, February 3, 2015


So we were in the queue at Starbucks
"So you're not going to Metropolitan Community Church" I said. 
What is this bittersweet strange attraction between my boyfriend and religion????
"Mike, the MCC moved far away. It takes me forever to get there and there again to come back, not to mention how long they make the reunions. And I don't like the environment. Why no other church is as cool as the mormon church?"
"Yup, you used to go to the mormon church for a while..."

                         CUB AT PLAY                            
                                  READY TO PLAY?                                  

"So what you're gonna do? Pray at home?" I asked
"No, something happenned" 
"I was hungry at night between Christmas' Eve and New Year's Eve so I told my mom"
He and his mom???? How old is he? 
"I'm a Gen Yer, Michael, get that labeled in your head"
"Alright, let's not argue here in the queue"
"...So I told my mom and she invited me to a barbeque with her friends of the convent of the Virgin of the Rays. By the way that virgin DOES work"
"Why you say that?"
"I don't just believe in religion, I have to experiment by myself that it works. I learned that from the buddhists. Anyway..."
Wonder why I'm his first boyfriend. This guy's more difficult to understand than Evangelion!!!!
"But you love me for the same reason" He said.
"Too much ESP for today!" I said

ESP in images!!!

"That's the point!!!" The point?! "I went to the barbecue and there was a nun. And at some point I asked in my heart something to Josh. And she has ESP too!!! She felt it somehow, and felt my strong link with God"
"How she did that?"
"I dunno! ESP! How it works? It's a mistery! And she found out I have ESP too, but we said no words about it. At the end of the barbeque the nun told me that I was part of the group she leads at the convent, the guys that were present go and my mom goes too, so I'll start going there, I can go walking! But the group doesn't work for the summer and begins again in march"

 "So you guys talk about ESP in a QUEUE for a coffee at Starbucks?" Asked a girl behind us "So you're gonna order or not?"
"Oh yes" I said... "Shit, my wallet"
"I pay, Mike"
"But I invited, you don't bother????"
"I do bother but I WANT my coffee"
"Don't WORRY guys, I invite" said the girl.
"And you are?" we asked.
"I'm Pennie, Pennie Upperclass, nice to meet you"


"I'm Andy"
"And he`s Mike"
"Nice meeting you too" we said
"You guys seem nice, but I'm in a hurry. Please take my business card and let's ask our coffees"
So we did and then we received our coffees.
"See you later" she said and she left.

"She was very nice" said my boyfriend "She saved your ass"


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