So we were walking along the shore
Enjoying the sunset
It was sooo relaxing
But all of a sudden...
"Look Michael!"
"Look what?"
"That Star in the sky is moving..."
"Because it's not a star, Cub"
"It's a foo fighter, I get it"
"It looks more clear now"
"It's a lamp somebody put in the sky, cub"
"So we keep following it..."
"We should call Mulder and Skully"
"No matter what happens, Skully won't see it"
"You think, Michael?"
"I don't write the X-Files screenplays, it's not my fault!"
"Oh it's the MAGI"
"They seem to be following the same star we do"
"These MAGI seem to be bery wise"
"I'ts because they have one billion therabytes of capacity"
"Oh it's Josh!!!"
"Cub it seems we time traveled"
"Those kids of us did it for sure!"
"They're not supposed to play with time!!"
"We are not supposed to do a lot of things and we do them... It's only time travelling honey"
"THIS GUY!!!!"
"It's cool to see this"